Bob is our new Retail and Green Tourism Manager – and we feel blessed to have him join the team.

Extremely experienced in the hostelry industry, Bob brings his passion for beer alongside personal warmth and humour to his new role. “A modest man, but then he had so much to be modest about…”
Discover more via his Q&A below.

Q: What was your route to working at Langham Brewery?
A: I started working in pubs at 18, and dealt with Langham and the lovely Lesley quite a lot during that time, I got distracted for a bit by an office job in the last couple of years but missed working with people. So here I am!

Q: What’s been the most memorable time of your career to date?
A: The most memorable time for me has to be doing some of the big events whilst working for ‘spoons – Henley Regatta was a crazy week!

Q: Is how you define success different today, compared to when you were younger?
A: When I was younger I’d define it by material things, these days I just want to be happy.

Q: What does a typical pre/post brewery day look like for you?
A: Pre or post I’ll be looking after my 2 very needy cats! After a hard day you cant beat a nice hot bath.

Q: Who do you look up to and why?
A: Clement Attlee – “A modest man, but then he had so much to be modest about” Founder of the national park system as we know it today!

Q. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: “Everything works out in the end – if it hasn’t worked out, its not yet the end.”

Q: Please tell us one thing not many people know about you.
A: I grew up terribly scared of horses, now im 6 foot tall they don’t seem so terrifying!

Q: Which is your favourite Langham brew and why?
A: I absolutely adore the Saison.

Q: Have you ever tried home brewing?
A: Yes! I got quite successful making fruit based beers – although I could never get the ABV to stay the same, some were lethal!

Q: Describe your life’s journey so far, in 5 words.
Aimed at traditional. Turned left.

Find Bob in the brewery and Taprom most days.