Bob’s Job – An update update!
“When I took the position over in Mid-July we were already deep into events season with the 1st PECAN eco fair taking place my fist week on the job!
Since then it’s been all go and many of you will have seen me running about the brewery on a day to day basis, or behind the bar at one of our events, which I’m pleased to say have been a great success once again, with Live at Langham in aid of the Friends of the South Downs and The South Downs National Park during August seeing some beautiful weather and really excellent acts.
I’ve learnt so much in this short period but I was amazed to hear that conkers can be used to make washing up liquid, the left overs from this year’s Bonker for Conkers have a second lease of life as soap!
We’ve also worked with Homestart Butser, Pier Road Café, Chestnut Tree House, Midhurst foodbank and many many more during the last 6 months alone. All our events are all inclusive (we even had a cat in the taproom over summer) and I’m very excited for everything we’ve got planned during 2025.
If you’ve been into the taproom you will have noticed that things have moved around to make it more accessible and we’ve gone paperless with the till system, however my never ending search for eco-friendly toilet paper continues (hence the blog photo).
We’ve refilled over a 2000 containers with beer in the last couple of months, really cutting down on the amount of single use plastic we produce – we have also installed our new hot liquor tank (that’s just hot water for us non brewing folk) which will hugely help the brewery stay energy efficient and cut down on waste.
The first event of the year Folk Under The Fermenters promises to be an excellent night of acoustic folk with the back drop of our lovely brewery. I look forward to seeing you there.
If you have any ideas abut how the brewery could be more sustainable please let me know.
More updates before too long,