Meet The Langham Team

James Berrow is co-owner of the brewery.

Langham Brewery was James’
brain-child and he’s a hugely influential and intregral part of the team.

Lesley Foulkes is co-owner of Langham’s.

Many of you will know lovely Lesley, as she’s co-managed and ‘joined the dots’ at the brewery since it’s conception in 2004.
But, did you know she’s half Swedish and has an addiction to… yoga?!

Find out more: Lesley’s Q&A

James Banks is our Brewery Manager and Head Brewer.

James lives in Petersfield having moved to Sussex from the Isle of Wight where he designed, installed and was head brewer at the Wight Knuckle Brewery.
More recently James has been head brewer at Farnham Brewery.
James has a fabulous repertoire of exciting brews.
More: James’ Q&A

Fran Weston is our (very capable) assistant brewer. Fran joined us in 2021, having been head brewer at Ballards Brewery for many years.

Fran has quickly become an invaluable member of our dedicated team and we love that he sings while he brews!

Find out more: Fran’s Q&A


Bob Long is our Retail and Green Tourism Manager. Extremely experienced in the hostelry industry, Bob brings his passion for beer alongside personal warmth and humour to his role. “A modest man, but then he had so much to be modest about…”

Discover more via Bob’s Q&A.

Meet Martyn Constable, our Sales Rep. Martyn has been a friend of the brewery for a number of years. His mission is to create and maintain face-to-face relationships with our trade accounts.

Martyn is a fool… for a Morris dancing side!

Discover more in Martyn’s Q&A

Gail Knox-Wilson helps in the Taproom and can be found behind our bar at events across the region.

Gail is a true real ale lover and enjoys our award-winning brews (in moderation of course!). She loves her varied lifestyle and would enjoy a trip on a time-machine.
Discover more via Gail’s Q&A.

Lee Blanchard
You’ll find Lee behind the Taproom bar on our ‘Thirsty Thursday’ evenings.

When Lee is behind the bar he promises a smile, a barmans ear, good conversation, gratitude and a clean and tidy taproom.

Get to know Lee a little more via Lee’s Q&A.

We’re lucky to have many other brewery helpers and friends, who are too numerous to mention in detail here. Suffice to say, we always appreciate their wonderful guidance, support and their kind helping hands, without whom our beautiful brewery would not be what it is today.

the friendly team look forward to welcoming you to the brewery soon


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