In the words of ‘On The Buses’ Blakey… “Innit Marvellous?”

Book A Bus now reaches even more of our rural villages which previously had little, to no, public transport. This service operates within set zones and offers to pick up passengers when they need it and it costs the ame as a standard bus fare! £2.50 per trip.
The service operates by bookings made via the ‘Ride Pingo’ app or by phone.

This service is providing support to the community and makes supporting your local businesses much easier. Why not hop on the bus and visit us at the Taproom for a pizza and a couple of pints?

We are passionate about our countryside and one way to contribute to nature conservation and help tackle climate change is to use more public transport services. Please make use of this service provided by the council so that it is here to stay. Aside from the environmental benefit of using public transport – you never know you might make some new friends.

How To Book
To Book A Bus, residents need to download the Ride Pingo app or call the centre on 01243 858854. Bookings for the fully flexible service can be made for up to five passengers per trip, subject to availability.

Anyone can use the service, anytime between 7am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday excluding Bank Holidays. Residents looking for connections to Billingshurst should visit the West Sussex Council website.